Dash Masternode SID Hosting Service
Earn The Passive Income By Securing The Dash Network
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What is a Masternode?
Masternodes are the servers running the full dash wallet and make decisions, such as locking transactions with InstantSend, coordinate mixing of coins, and voting on budget proposals. Masternodes are required to have 1000 Dash collateral, a dedicated IP address, and must run 24/7 in a stable enviroment. Masternodes get paid on each new block creation. Actually the minimum reward of ~0,89 Dash is paid to each Masternode each ~4,5 days.
Masternodes enable the following services:
- InstantSend (instant transactions based on LLMQ). In contrast, Bitcoin takes about 10 minutes to confirm a payment.
- CoinJoin (private transactions). In contrast, Bitcoin transactions are totally public and traceable. Only the identity of the addresses is anonymous.
- Decentralised Governance (masternodes govern, while the blockchain funds development). In contrast, Bitcoin is controlled by a few big miners and funded by 3rd party centralised institutions with self interests.
- Dash Evolution a decentralized payment processor (think a decentralized Paypal).
- ChainLocks is a feature to protect from 51% mining attack.
Masternodes are also given voting rights on proposals. Each masternode has 1 vote and this vote can be used on budget proposals or important decisions that affect Dash. For a complete list of current proposals please click here.
How Much Can I Earn?
Having the Masternode let you earn about about 8% a year in Dash rewards where you receive them each 4,5 Days on average and get them directly at your dash desired address. However having an Evonode let you earn close to 12% APY but the collateral is of 4000 Dash.
This reward falls off in subsequent years but Dash Masternodes and Evonodes should still be sufficiently incentivized to run.
This projection also doesn’t count the fees that incentivized nodes earn whenever someone uses its services.
Check here to see how much can you earn now.
How Much Does It Cost?
- First of all you need to have 1000 Dash.
- The hosting of a Dash Masternode cost you 27,5€ expressed in Dash per month (three months subscription).
- The hardware is prepared for the newest wallet version and always updated to the newest stable release.
- For the hosting of more masternodes you can always ask a personalized plan.
We started helping people to setup their own Dash Masternodes back in December 2014 and since then we’ve earned the trust of many users.
The masternodes we host are stable and online 24/7.
So far we have only 100% happy customers!
Why not becoming one of them?
Always protect your crypto assets!
Use the hardware wallets and grab the best one for you!
Officially supported Dash wallets.
This service relies on third party services. We do all possible to keep nodes online but occasional migration, maintenance, and unexpected issues can occur.
Dash project is under constant development. We do all possible to prevent downtime. However, this service relies on the underlying stability of dash and its network.
The user must ‘start’ their masternode in a proper way by using the protx special transaction from their local hot wallet. We are not responsible for downtime incurred by user failure or lack of action..
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